Email: longkaiwu@ccnu.edu.cn
2021.09 - 至今 华中师范大学人工智能教育学部、教育大数据应用技术国家工程研究中心、教育部教育信息化战略研究基地教授、博士生导师
2013.02 - 2021.09 新加坡南洋理工大学国家教育研究所教育研究院研究员
2010.03 -2013.01 新加坡国立教育学院学习科学研究所博士后研究
2005.01 -2009.10 新加坡南洋理工大学学习科学与技术专业博士
1. Springer Nature编委会成员
2. 全球华人计算机教育学会(GCSCE)执行委员会委员
3. 亚太地区计算机教育学会(APSCE)会员
4. 国际人工智能教育学会(AIED)会员
5. 美国教育研究协会(AERA)会员
6. IEEE学习技术委员会委员
7. 趣创者国际实验教育(IDC)全球基金委员会委员
8. 新加坡国立教育学院教育研究院本地教育实践系列丛书编委会成员
9. 新加坡国立教育学院国际学院(NIEI)教学顾问
1. 首席专家,全国教育科学规划“十四五”规划2022年度教育学重点课题“智能技术赋能教育评价改革研究”,在研
2. 子项目负责人,国家智能社会治理实验基地建设项目,在研
3. 子项目负责人,教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“教育数字化转型的国际比较研究”,在研
4. 第一负责人, Leveraging on augmented reality technologies for Establishment of Science Trail: An exploratory study, , NIE EFRP (OER 6/19 WLK), 04/2020-03/2022
5. 第一负责人, Bridging school-based formal and informal learning spaces: A case of advancing interest-driven education in Singapore school, NIE EFRP (OER 18/17 WLK), 04/2018-02/2022
6. 第一负责人, A Multi-Dimensional Evaluation of Efficacy of an Out-of-School Computational Making Programme, NIE EFTP (PG 09/19), 09/2019 – 04/2020
7. 合作负责人, How to Bring Computational Thinking (CT) Into Mathematics Classrooms: Designing for Disciplinary-specific CT, NIE EFRP (OER 10/18 LCK), 02/2019-01/2021
1. 主席发言人,“Soft skills and Personality Development in in Cultivating 21st Century competencies”, Bharathiar University, India, 24 July 2020
2. 主题演讲人, “The Role of the Interest-Driven Learning Paradigm in Acquiring Life Skills for K-12 Education” , International Webinar Series, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, India, 18 July 2020
3. 主题演讲人, “Awaring and leveraging on education and research trending during and after Covid-19: From perspectives of Singapore and beyond", Swami Vivekananda Series of Reflective Discourses for making India Self-Reliant: Indian Education in Post-COVID Era, Mahatma Gandhi Central University & Central University of Gujarat, India, May 25-29, 2020
4. 主题演讲人, “Education Policy and Practice of Singapore on K-12 Digital Learning”, International Forum on K-12 Digital Learning, Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, 27-29 Sep, 2019
5. 主题演讲人, “Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioural Perspectives in Education: Singapore’s Cases”, International Conference on Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioural Perspectives in Education, Alagappa University, India, 11-12 July, 2019
吴砥,吴龙凯. (2023).国际教育信息化典型案例2021-2022.北京: 科学出版社.
Hung, D., Wu, L., & Kwek D. (2021). Diversifying schools: systemic catalysts for educational innovations in Singapore. Singapore: Springer.
Gao, Y., Looi, C. K., Wu, L., & Zhang, H. (Eds.). (2020). ICT in Education in Belt and Road Initiative Countries. Beijing: Springer.
Hung, D., Lee, S. S., Toh, Y., Jamaludin, A., & Wu, L. (2019). Innovations in Educational Change: Cultivating Ecologies for Schools. Singapore: Springer.
吴龙凯,程浩,张珊, &宋琰玉. (2023).智能技术赋能教育评价的时代内涵、伦理困境及对策研究.电化教育研究. (CSSCI)
吴龙凯,刘姚慧卓,吴砥, &张珊. (2023).国内外高等教育数字化发展现状分析.中国高等教育. (CSSCI)
吴砥,郭庆,吴龙凯*, &程浩. (2023).智能技术赋能教育评价改革.开放教育研究. (CSSCI)
吴砥,李玲,吴龙凯, &尉小荣. (2023).高等教育数字化转型的国际比较研究.国家教育行政学院学报. (CSSCI)
Lu, C., Yang, W., Wu, L., & Yang, X. (2023). How Behavioral and Psychological Factors Influence STEM Performance in K-12 Schools: A Mediation Model. Journal of Science Education and Technology. (SSCI)
Wu, L., Liu, Y., How, M. L., & He, S. (2023). Investigating Student-Generated Questioning in a Technology-Enabled Elementary Science Classroom: A Case Study. Education Sciences. (ESCI)
Hsu, T. C., Chang, C., Wu, L., & Looi, C. K. (2022). Corrigendum: Effects of a pair programming educational robot-based approach on students' interdisciplinary learning of computational thinking and language learning. Frontiers in Psychology. (SSCI)
Wen, Y., Wu, L.*, & He, S. (2021). Investigating Affordances and Tensions in STEM Applied Learning Programme from Practitioners’ Sensemaking. Education Technology and Society. (SSCI)
Wu, L., Looi, C. K., Multisilta, J., How, M. L., Choi, H., Hsu, T. C., & Tuomi, P. (2019). Teacher’s Perceptions and Readiness to Teach Coding Skills: A Comparative Study between Finland, Mainland China, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. (SSCI)
Wu, L., Hung, D., Lau, S.Y., & He, S. (2022). Building a Cohesive Twenty-First Century Learning-Orientated Community in Singapore—Summary and Conclusion. In: Hung, D., Wu, L., Kwek, D. (eds) Diversifying Schools. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, vol 61. Springer, Singapore.
Lim, K. Y. T., Wu, L., & He, S. (2022). Nurturing Maker Dispositions Among Children with Open-Source Tools: A Case Study of a Junior High School in Singapore. In: Hung, D., Wu, L., Kwek, D. (eds) Diversifying Schools. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, vol 61. Springer, Singapore.
Wu, L., & He, S. (2021). Teacher–Researcher Co-designing of a Technology-Enhanced Classroom Inquiry Framework in Promoting Student-Generated Questioning: A Case Study. In: Koh, E.R., Hung, D.W. L. (eds) Scaling up ICT-based Innovations in Schools. Studies in Singapore Education: Research, Innovation & Practice, vol 3. Springer, Singapore.
Looi, C. K., Chan, S. W., & Wu, L. (2021). Crisis and Opportunity: Transforming Teachers From Curriculum Deliverers to Designers of Learning. In: Burgos, D., Tlili, A., Tabacco, A. (eds) Radical Solutions for Education in a Crisis Context. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore.
Wu, L., & Wen, Y. (2020). A Research Map to Leverage Augmented Reality in K12 Science Education. In G. Akcayir & C. D. Epp (Eds.), Designing, Deploying, and Evaluating Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education: IGI Global.
Looi, C.-K., Chan, S. W., & Wu, L. (2020). Diversity and Collaboration: A Synthesis of Differentiated Development of ICT Education. In C.-K. Looi, H. Zhang, Y. Gao, & L. Wu (Eds.), ICT in Education and Implications for the Belt and Road Initiative (pp. 231-243). Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Seow, P., Looi, C. K., Leong, M. L., Wadhwa, B., & Wu, L. (2019). Educational Policy and Implementation of Computational Thinking and Programming: Case Study of Singapore. In S-C. Kong & H. Abelson (Eds.), Computational Thinking Education (pp. 100-110). Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Chen, X., Wu, L., & Mao, P., (2022). An Integrated Graph Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Educational Object Reordering. 2022 International Conference on Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence (VRHCIAI), Changsha, China.
Wu, L., & He, S. (2020). Bridging School-based Formal and Informal Learning Spaces: A Case Study of Advancing Interest-driven Education in Singapore Schools. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education.
Wu, L., & Looi, C. K. (2019). Integrating Computational Thinking with K-12 Subjects: An Investigation of Perceptions and Competencies of Pre-service Teachers in Singapore. In Global Chinese Conference on Computer in Education 2019 . Wuhan, China: Central China Normal University.
1. 英语水平较好,有数据处理基础或教育学专业背景;
2. 对教育数字化、智能评价、教育人工智能等方面的研究感兴趣;
3. 勤奋有上进心,能吃苦耐劳;
4. 招收硕博研究生及研究助理,欢迎联系。