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周 驰




1. 2016.9-2022.6  华中师范大学 人工智能教育学部 教育技术学(硕博连读) 博士

2. 2012.9-2016.6  武汉理工大学 理学院 信息与计算科学 学士


1. 2022.8至今  华中师范大学 国家数字化工程技术研究中心 讲师/师资博士后


数字课程资源评价  教师信息素养监测与评价




1. 基于多维信息深度融合的教师在线教学反馈质量评价研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2022M721287),项目负责人

2. 基于网络学习空间教研的教师信息素养提升机制研究——多源信息融合分析视角,华中师范大学优博培育计划项目(2020YBZZ005),项目负责人

3. 信息素养视角下的教师在线教学反馈评价关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(62177026),重点参与

4. 信息素养视角下融合多模态数据的教师课堂教学质量评价关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(62277020),重点参与


1. 吴砥,陈敏,李亚婷,周驰著. 中小学教师信息素养评价[M],科学出版社,2021.

2. Zhou C, Wu D, Li Y, Yang H H, Man S, Chen M. The role of student engagement in promoting teachers' continuous learning of TPACK: Based on a stimulus-organism-response framework and an integrative model of behavior prediction[J]. Education and Information Technologies, 2022. (SSCI一区)

3. Wu D, Zhou C, Li Y, Chen M. Factors associated with teachers’ competence to develop students’ information literacy: A multilevel approach[J]. Computers & Education, 2022, 176: 104360. (SSCI & SCI一区)

4. Wu D, Zhou C, Liang X, Li Y, Chen M. Integrating Technology into Teaching: Factors Influencing Rural Teachers’ Innovative Behavior[J]. Education and Information Technologies, 2022. (SSCI一区)

5. Chen M, Zhou C, Meng C, Wu D. How to promote Chinese primary and secondary school teachers to use ICT to develop high-quality teaching activities[J]. Educational Technology Research and Development, 2019, 67(6): 1593-1611. (SSCI一区,被《高等学校文科学术文摘》转载)

6. Chen M, Zhou C, Wang Y, Li Y. The role of school ICT construction and teacher information literacy in reducing teacher burnout: based on SEM and fsQCA[J]. Education and Information Technologies, 2022. (SSCI一区)

7. Li Y, Zhou C, Wu D, Chen M. Evaluation of teachers’ information literacy based on information of behavioral data in online learning and teaching platforms: an empirical study of China[J]. Library Hi Tech, 2021. (SSCI三区)

8. Chen M, Zhou C. The Effects of Contextualized Learning Content and Collaborative Behaviours in a Ubiquitous Learning Environment[C]. //Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Education and Intelligent Research (IEIR 2022). IEEE, 2022. (EI会议)

9. Zhou C, Wang H, Liang X, Chen M. Development and Application of Information Literacy Assessment Tool for Primary and Secondary School Teachers[C]. //Proceedings of 9th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT 2020). IEEE, 2020: 70-75. (EI会议)

10. Wu D, Zhou C, Chen M, Xu J. Evaluation Model and System of ICT in Education Based on Gray Fuzzy Method[C]. //Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Educational Technology. IEEE, 2017: 85-89. (EI会议)

11. Wu D, Zhou C, Meng C, Chen M. Identifying multilevel factors influencing ICT self-efficacy of K-12 teachers in China[C]. //Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Blended Learning (ICBL 2020). Springer, 2020: 303-314. (EI会议)

12. Chen M, Zhou C, Wu D, Yang W, Shi Y. Research on the Differences of K-12 Mathematic Teachers’ ICT Application Level[C]. //Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT 2019). IEEE, 2019: 115-119. (EI会议)

13. Chen M, Zhou C, Wu Y. Research on the model and development status of information literacy self-improvement ability of primary and secondary school teachers[C]. //Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT 2020). IEEE, 2020: 87-91. (EI会议)

14. 吴砥, 周驰, 陈敏. “互联网+”时代教师信息素养评价研究[J]. 中国电化教育, 2020(1): 56-63+108. (CSSCI)

15. 陈敏, 周驰, 王欢, 吴砥. 中小学教师信息素养指数研究——基于东部X省教师信息素养调查分析[J]. 电化教育研究, 2020(4): 116-121+128. (CSSCI)

16. 陈敏, 周驰, 吴砥. 中小学教师信息素养评估指标体系研究[J]. 中国电化教育, 2020(8): 78-85. (CSSCI)

17. 吴砥, 余丽芹, 饶景阳, 周驰, 陈敏. 大规模长周期在线教学对师生信息素养的挑战与提升策略[J]. 电化教育研究, 2020(5): 12-17+26. (CSSCI)

18. 李亚婷, 陈敏, 王欢, 周驰, 王会军. 融合网络学习空间过程性数据的中小学教师信息素养评估研究[J]. 中国电化教育, 2020(9): 119-128. (CSSCI)

19. 周驰, 孟彩云, 陈敏. 基于应用过程的中小学教师信息技术应用能力提升策略研究[C]. //第22届全球华人计算机教育应用大会(GCCCE2018). 2018: 82-90.

20. Wu D, Zhou C, Meng C, Wang H, Chen M, Lu C, Xu J. Research on the status quo of smart school development in China[C]. //International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2019). 2019: 181–186.

21. 陈敏, 孟彩云, 周驰. 有效学习视角下的泛在学习环境评价研究[J]. 开放学习研究, 2018, 23(4): 11-19.





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